Level B

Download Scheme Handbook (click here to download)

The Online Brochure Hub has been launched to make your lives easier, providing you with a centrally controlled resource containing all your practice-branded plan brochures.

To set this up, all you need to do is copy the link(s) above into your practice website. They will be automatically updated as and when any changes are made to your plan literature, so you can always be sure that the very latest versions of your brochures are available online.


If you want to use Restore Dental Group services on a regular basis, it’s good to know that your preventative dental care is covered by convenient monthly payments. If you join our Total Care Plan, you get all of these benefits – and more.

Save a life Cymru

‘By taking a few minutes to learn some basic CPR skills, you can ‘Touch Someone’s Life” and give them the chance of life. It could be someone in your family, a friend, a neighbour or a passer-by.

We want to encourage everybody in Wales to learn CPR skills online so that they are confident of the steps they need to take when a person has a cardiac arrest.

A cardiac arrest is an emergency, but by using some basic knowledge and skills, you can increase someone’s chance of survival.

Currently only 30-40% of people who have a cardiac arrest in the home or in the wider community will receive CPR by a bystander. CPR and defibrillation can treble their chance of survival.

CPR can be lifesaving and must be started immediately’


New CPR guidelines for COVID-19 times:

While the COVID-19 virus remains in our communities Resuscitation Council UK and Welsh Ambulance Service Trust have issued new safety CPR instructions.

If you received your CPR training pre COVID-19 here is a list of the small but important changes you should do to keep yourself:

  • Do not put your face next to the collapsed person’s face to check for normal breathing
  • Shake the person by the shoulders to check for a response
  • Look to see if the chest is falling up and down, check whether breathing is abnormal or has stopped completely
  • Loosely place a cloth or towel over the mouth and nose of the unconscious person
  • Only do chest compressions and defibrillation.
  • Do not do mouth to mouth rescue breaths on an adult.
  • Always do mouth to mouth rescue breaths on a child under 8 years old. It is likely that you will know the child having a cardiac arrest. While there may be a risk of transmitting COVID-19 virus, it is small compared to the risk of taking no action as this will result in certain cardiac arrest and the death of the child.

Further reading: 

Opening Hours

Monday8am – 5pm
Tuesday8am – 5pm
Wednesday9am – 5pm
Thursday9am – 5pm
Friday8am – 5pm
Monday 8am – 5pm
Tuesday 8am – 5pm
Wednesday 8am – 5pm
Thursday 8am – 5pm
Friday 8am – 5pm
Saturday By Appoiuntment Only
Monday 8am – 5pm
Tuesday 8am – 5pm
Wednesday 8am – 5pm
Thursday 8am – 5pm
Friday 8am – 5pm

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Restore Dental Group

Restore Dental Group