Statement of Purpose St. Mellons

Statement of Purpose
Name of establishment or agency Restore Dental Group
Address and postcode 16 Crickhowell Road St Mellons Cardiff CF3 OEF
Telephone number 02920 778899
Email address
Fax number 02920 362116

Aims and objectives of the establishment or agency

We aim to;

  • Provide a comfortable, caring and professional environment
  • Provide an excellent and efficient service
  • Listen with respect and respond to your concerns
  • Clearly state the cost of proposed dental treatment in advance
  • Guarantee our dental work for a year
  • Make no charges for appointments changed or cancelled where 24 hours notice has been given
  • See you within 20 minutes of your appointment time (unless there is an emergency)
  • Only recommend treatment that is necessary
  • Answer the telephone quickly and courteously


  • To achieve 100% of our UDA target
  • To maintain our gold IIP award
  • To maintain a high level of patient satisfaction
  • Achieve BDA good practice award
Registered Manager Details
Name Raid Ali
Address and postcode 16 Crickhowell Road St Mellons Cardiff CF3 0EF
Telephone number 02920 778899
Email address
Fax number N/A

Relevant qualifications


Being a subscribed member of dentinal tubules, I am passionate about personal and professional development; I thrive on learning new skills. I am always a keen learner watching different tutorials online at my own leisure, ensuring I am up to date on all new legislation and compliance to endeavour to keep up to date.

Relevant experience

As a proud business owner of an established dental practice since April 2013, during my daily running of the practice, I have been faced with many obstacles which I have endeavoured to overcome.

Each day is a different challenge, which is what I love about my job!

Prior to becoming a partner of Restore Dental Group, I worked in other dental practices as an associate and have learnt a lot about the running and managing of a dental practice from my peers along the way. It has always been a passion of mine and I have always had a keen interest in the way in which systems are managed.

I enjoy utilising my teams skill set to ensure I maximise my team efficiently and effectively to ensure we provide the best service to all of our patients.

I also take the time and enjoy networking at different study days, meetings and events where I meet with other practice managers and enjoy sharing ideas.

We have a business coach who I work closely with and again am always keen to learn from and ask for advice regularly.

Being a member of the LDC I like to ensure I attend regular meetings.

As a HIW peer reviewer, I visit dental practices often and also use this to my advantage as I pick up different ideas along my journey and also share any ideas I may have with other practice managers alike.

Amber BeardClinical Manager

Business and Admin Level 2

Management and Leadership Level 3

Currently undertaking Management and Leadership level 4.

Emily PerrySenior Dental NurseLevel 3 Diploma Dental Nursing
Danielle WilliamsQualified Dental Nurse

Level 3 Diploma Dental Nursing

BDA Radiography

Caitlin ElliottQualified Dental NurseLevel 3 Diploma Dental Nursing
Annalise EdmundsQualified Dental NurseLevel 3 Diploma Dental Nursing
Katy CousinsQualified Dental NurseLevel 3 Diploma Dental Nursing
Ellie EvansTrainee Dental NurseUndertaking Level 3 Diploma Dental Nursing
Kaitlin WalkerTrainee Dental NurseUndertaking Level 3 Diploma Dental Nursing
Jasmine SeymourTrainee Dental NurseUndertaking Level 3 Diploma Dental Nursing
Evie HondTrainee Dental NurseUndertaking Level 3 Diploma Dental Nursing
Rachel JordanTrainee Dental NurseUndertaking Level 3 Diploma Dental Nursing
Chloe PrattenDental Receptionist
Vera De CostaDental Receptionist
Richard VangassePrinciple DentistBDS Wales 2000
Julie RansomDental AssociateBDS Wales 1999
Rachel HughesDental AssociateBDS Cardiff 2015
Anil KatariaDental AssociateBChD University of Leeds 2017
Zahid RehemtullaDFTBDS University of Plymouth 2021
Abbey RomanoHygienistDiploma in Dental Hygiene Cardiff University 2020


Please insert a diagram or description of your organisational structure (please delete this section if not applicable)


Please detail each treatment you intend to provide with the age range and any specialist equipment used

General dentistry – this covers all age groups Children through to adults

Examination, diagnosis and preventative care, X-ray, scale and polish and planning for further treatment, urgent and emergency care.
Fillings, root canal treatments, extractions, crowns, dentures and bridges.

In addition, treatments offered;
Invisalign GO- adolescents onwards – IPR strips


How do you seek patients’ views on the services/treatments you provide?

We are always actively trying to seek feedback from our patients if that be positive or negative – it is always something to build upon.

We have patient questionnaire surveys, available at the reception area and waiting areas. These are regularly audited and questions are reviewed and updated to seek different types of feedback from our patients.

We have patient feedback forms also with a submission box for the patients to complete and feedback at their own leisure.
This can be good or bad feedback, whatever they wish to raise. Again the submission box is regularly emptied, audited and reviewed.

All of our patients are also able to leave reviews online via our social media sites; a lot of patients like to do this as it’s more current and up to date.


What are the opening hours of the establishment?
What are the arrangements for patients who require urgent care or treatment out of hours?
If you provide inpatient care what are the arrangements for contact between patients and their relatives i.e. visiting times

Opening hours
Monday 08.00 – 17.00
Tuesday 08.00 – 17.00
Wednesday 09.00 – 17.00
Thursday 09.00 – 17.00
Friday 08.00 – 17.00

Out of hours arrangements
The practice answer machine clearly states all out of hours numbers and all instructions on what to do in case of emergency and this is clearly recorded.
All of our private patients are aware of all the emergency contact numbers in case of an emergency out of hours.
On the practice signage outside alongside our opening hours are also all of the contact details for the out of hours service outside of our opening hours.
All opening hours and out of hours emergency care information is also available on the practice leaflet and also on our website.

We do not provide inpatient care.


Please provide details about:

  • how to complain
  • who to complain to
  • how you will deal with a complaint
  • other sources of help if the patient is not happy with how you have dealt with the complaint (include contact details for HIW)

We have two complaints procedures one for NHS patients and one for Private patients. These are both available in the medium of English or Welsh.

The NHS and Private complaint policies are also both available on our website

Complaints policy – NHS Treatments
Code of practice for patients complaints

  1. At Restore Dental Group we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all of our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. We endeavour to deal with any complaints courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. This procedure is based on these objectives.
    Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to patients’ concerns in a caring and sensitive way.
    The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the service would be The Clinical Manager; Amber Beard. Please find contact details below.
    Telephone Number: 02920 778899 Email address:
    Monday 8- 5:30 pm
    Tuesday 8- 5:30 pm
    Wednesday 9-5:30 pm
    Thursday 9-5:30 pm
    Friday 8-2 pm
  2. If a patient complains by telephone or in-person, we will listen to their complaint and offer to refer him or her to The Clinical Manager immediately. If The Clinical Manager is not available at the time, then the patient will be told when they will be able to talk to them and arrangements will be made for this to happen. If we cannot arrange this within a reasonable period or if the patient does not wish to wait to discuss the matter, arrangements will be made for The Group Operational Clinical Manager, Laura Evans. Please find contact details below.
    Telephone Number: 02920 619461 Email address:
  3. If the patient complains in writing or by e-mail it will be passed on immediately to The Clinical Manager.
  4. If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be referred to the dentist concerned, unless the patient does not want this to happen.
  5. We will acknowledge any complaint in writing and enclose a copy of the complaints policy as soon as possible, normally within 3 working days. We will offer to discuss the complaint at the time agreed with the patient, asking how the patient would like to be informed of developments, for example by telephone, letter or email. We will inform the patient about how the complaint will be handled and the likely time that the investigation will take to be completed. If the patient does not wish to discuss the complaint, we will still inform them of the expected time scale for completing the process.
  6. We will seek to investigate the complaint speedily and efficiently and will keep the patient informed as reasonably practicable, as to the progress of the investigation. Investigations will normally be completed within 28 days.
  7. When we have completed our investigation we will provide the patient with a full written report. The report will include an explanation of how the complaint has been considered, the conclusions reached in respect of each specific part of the complaint, details of any necessary remedial action and whether the practice is satisfied with any action it has already taken or will be taking as a result of the complaint.
  8. We keep comprehensive records of any complaints received as well as any actions are taken to improve services as a consequence of a complaint.
  9. If patients are not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint can be referred to:

Cardiff and Vale Local Health Board,
Concerns Department
Brecknock House,
University Hospital of Wales,
Heath Park,
CF14 7XB

The General Dental Council,
37 Wimpole Street,
Telephone Number: 0207 167 6000

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW)
Public services Ombudsman for Wales,
1 Fford Yr Hen Gae,
CF35 5LJ
Telephone Number: 03007900203
Fax: (01656) 641199

Complaints policy – Private Treatments
Code of practice for patients complaints

At Restore Dental Group we take complaints very seriously and try to ensure that all of our patients are pleased with their experience of our service. We endeavour to deal with any complaints courteously and promptly so that the matter is resolved as quickly as possible. This procedure is based on these objectives.
Our aim is to react to complaints in the way in which we would want our complaint about a service to be handled. We learn from every mistake that we make and we respond to patient’s concerns in a caring and sensitive way.

  1. The person responsible for dealing with any complaint about the service would be The Clinical Manager; Amber Beard. Please find contact details below.
    Telephone Number: 02920 619461 Email address:
    Monday 8- 5:30 pm
    Tuesday 8- 5:30 pm
    Wednesday 9- 5:30 pm
    Thursday 9- 5:30 pm
    Friday 8-2 pm
  2. If a patient complains by telephone or in-person, we will listen to their complaint and offer to refer him or her to The Clinical Manager immediately. If The Clinical Manager is not available at the time, then the patient will be told when they will be able to talk to them and arrangements will be made for this to happen. If we cannot arrange this within a reasonable period or if the patient does not wish to wait to discuss the matter, arrangements will be made for The Group Operational Clinical Manager, Laura Evans. Please find contact details below.
    Telephone Number: 02920 619461 Email address:
  3. If the patient complains in writing or by e-mail it will be passed on immediately to The Clinical Manager.
  4. If a complaint is about any aspect of clinical care or associated charges it will normally be referred to the dentist concerned, unless the patient does not want this to happen.
  5. We will acknowledge any complaint in writing and enclose a copy of this code of practice as soon as possible, normally within 3 working days.
  6. We will seek to investigate the complaint within 10 working days of receipt to give an explanation of the circumstances which led to the complaint. If the patient does not wish to meet with us, then we will attempt to talk to them over the telephone. If we are unable to investigate the complaint in 10 working days we will notify the patient, giving reasons for the delay and a likely period within which the investigation will be completed.
  7. We will confirm the decision about the complaint in writing immediately after completing our investigation.
  8. Comprehensive records are kept of any complaint received.
  9. If a patient is not satisfied with the result of our procedure then a complaint may be made to:

Cardiff and Vale Local Health Board,
Concerns Department
Brecknock House,
University Hospital of Wales,
Heath Park,
CF14 7XB

Healthcare Inspectorate Wales,
Rhydycar Business Park,
Merthyr Tydfil,
CF48 1UZ,
Telephone Number: 0300 062 8163
Fax Number: 0300 062 8387
Email address:

Dental Complaints Service,
Stephenson House,
2 Cherry Orchard Road,
Telephone Number: 08456 120 540
Fax Number: 0208 263 6100

Public Services Ombudsman for Wales (PSOW)
Public services Ombudsman for Wales,
1 Fford Yr Hen Gae,
CF35 5LJ
Telephone Number: 03007900203
Fax: (01656) 641199


How will patients’ privacy and dignity be respected in line with the Equality Act 2010 and the protected characteristics of

  • age
  • disability
  • gender re-assignment
  • marriage and civil partnerships
  • pregnancy and maternity
  • race
  • religion or belief
  • sex
  • sexual orientation

The Practice will treat all individuals fairly (i.e. same access to dentists of their choice, treatment, standard fees) irrespective of any protected characteristic and will take appropriate measures to prevent discrimination on any such grounds. Information regarding religious belief and sexual orientation will only be gathered and held if it is required for medical reasons or is an NHS requirement.

All staff at the Practice are required to read and sign the employee handbook which contains policies on equality, harassment, confidentiality and patient dignity.

The practice complies with DPA 98/GDPR 18 with regards to the processing of personal and sensitive personal data and will ensure such process is no more than necessary for legitimate business purposes.

The Practice also has a complaints policy to ensure concerns are raised and responded to promptly.

Date Statement of Purpose written05/02/2018
AuthorRaid Ali
Date Statement of Purpose reviewed03/05/2022
Reviewed byLaura Borley

Opening Hours

Monday8am – 5pm
Tuesday8am – 5pm
Wednesday9am – 5pm
Thursday9am – 5pm
Friday8am – 5pm
Monday 8am – 5pm
Tuesday 8am – 5pm
Wednesday 8am – 5pm
Thursday 8am – 5pm
Friday 8am – 5pm
Saturday By Appoiuntment Only
Monday 8am – 5pm
Tuesday 8am – 5pm
Wednesday 8am – 5pm
Thursday 8am – 5pm
Friday 8am – 5pm

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